42 events found.
Adult Programs
Calendar of Events
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Friends of the Market
Friends of the Market
Are you interested in supporting the farmer's market? Attend a Friends of the Alfred Farmer's Market meeting at the library on March 6th.
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Silent Book Club
Silent Book Club
What is a silent book club? Bring your own book and read with others. We will spend the first few minutes of the event sharing what we're reading. Then grab a snack and read your book with others.
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Candle Dipping with Winterberry Homestead
Candle Dipping with Winterberry Homestead
Join us for a workshop with Winterberry Homestead. Learn how to dip your own candles! Make your own candle. Registration is required. Ages 12 and up only. Call 607-587-9290 or email alfred@stls.org to register.