True Crime Book Club
Terra Cotta Coffee House AlfredRegister to reserve your free copy of the book by calling the library at 607-587-9290 or emailing
Register to reserve your free copy of the book by calling the library at 607-587-9290 or emailing
Join Mary Lu Wells as she discusses the Transit of Mercury. If the sky is clear we will be able to witness the event using binoculars and white paper. If the sky is not clear, we will re-enact the event
No school today! Stop by the library between 1:00pm-2:30pm to make a craft. We will have Perler beads, paints, glitter, and all the supplies you need to create a masterpiece or two! This is a self guided program meaning you
Weekly storytime for children ages birth to five and their caregivers. Crafts, songs, puppets, and stories!