Star Talk with Mary Lu
Star Talk with Mary Lu
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 873 0345 0003 Passcode: 897688 Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 873 0345 0003 Passcode: 897688 Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
True Crime Book Club will be discussing Don't Call it a Cult: The Shocking Story of Keith Raniere and the Women of NXIVM by Sarah Berman. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 865 8259 7583 Passcode: 326352 Dial by your location
Register here: Or by emailing We will email you a link to view the film for free beginning February 24 and a Zoom link to the panel discussion.
Mary Lu Wells will share with participants common birds and foods to attract them. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 5488 3215 Passcode: 319755 Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Mary Lu Wells will share foods for attracting various birds to your feeders. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 5488 3215 Passcode: 319755 Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Join us for the final star talk of the season. Mary Lu will be taking a break from Star Talk until fall. We'll be re-capping what we've learned. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 873 0345 0003 Passcode: 897688 Dial