Deana David of Ribbon Candy Hooking will visit the library and share her presentation, “Frost and Frost: A Textile Artist’s Journey Of Seasonal Inspiration and Technique.” Click here to register! Or call the library at 607-587-9290. Welcome to a perfectly spiced
Macrame Keychain
Learn how to create your own macrame keychain with B & E Creative. Class size is limited, so register today. Click here to register! Or call the library at 607-587-9290 to secure your spot. Class is free and all materials
Chair Yoga
Heather Joyce will lead a 45 minute gentle session. These sessions are open to all ages and ability levels. Chair yoga can be done seated or while using a chair for balance. Registration is required by contacting the library.
Chair Yoga
Heather Joyce will lead a 45 minute gentle session. These sessions are open to all ages and ability levels. Chair yoga can be done seated or while using a chair for balance. Registration is required by contacting the library.
Chair Yoga
Heather Joyce will lead a 45 minute gentle session. These sessions are open to all ages and ability levels. Chair yoga can be done seated or while using a chair for balance. Registration is required by contacting the library.
Paper Quilling
Erica Unterman will lead a workshop on the craft of paper quilling. Paper quilling is an art form that involves tightly rolling and curling strips of paper to create shapes and designs. This program is best suited for ages 12+. Click
Mah Jongg at the Library
Beginners and experienced players are invited to the library to play mah jongg every Tuesday.
Guided Foraging Hike
Join us for a hike at Foster Lake. Kristina Snyder of Sunny Cove Farms will lead the adventure pointing out edible plants and their uses. Lunch will be provided by the library for those who attend. Registration is required. Registration
Dungeons and Dragons- Adults
Adults (18+) are invited to join us for Dungeons and Dragons in the library! This session is for beginners or experienced players. Snacks, characters and dice will be provided. And everyone who attends will receive a FREE D20! No Registration