The Alfred Box of Books Library was selected as one of 20 U.S. libraries to participate in Community Connect: Digital Access at Home, a project of both the American Library Association (ALA) and Capital one. This grant provides us with 5 mobile wireless hotspots to lend to the community.
- Patrons must be 18 years of age or older to borrow a wireless hotspot.
- Library card must be in good standing (i.e., not blocked due to unpaid fines).
- Loan period is 7 days with 1 renewal (14 days total).
- Local cardholders can place holds on a hotspot. Patrons will have 48 hours to check out the hotspot, after which time the hotspot will no longer be held for the patron and will be returned to circulation.
- Once the hotspot becomes overdue, it will be deactivated.
- Fines will accrue at $5.00 per day up to the maximum replacement cost of the hotspot.
- DO NOT return the hotspot to the book drop. This will result in a $25.00 fine.
- Borrowing the hotspot, the patron agrees to abide by the library’s policies and rules, including the Computer Use and Internet Agreement Policy
- A returned hotspot must remain available in the library for 48 hours before patron or someone in patron’s household may check it out again.
- Patron is responsible for the full replacement cost for a lost, stolen, or damaged device. Failure to pay the replacement cost will result in the loss of all borrowing privileges.
- Two (2) late returns will result in the loss of mobile hotspot borrowing privileges.
- Hotspots are limited to 1 per household. Hotspots can support multiple devices.
- Patron must sign the borrowing agreement.
You can read the full Mobile Wireless Hotspot Lending Policy below.